"[…] The discussion Nonnenmacher wants „” whether about integration, the welfare state, or Islam in the West „” is probably one worth having. But this is not that discussion. This discussion rests on premises so dangerous that Germany had to spend the balance of a century to overcome the consequences of the last time it accepted them; it’s given a veneer of respectability by the unearned, unchecked authority of an economist turned racist populist. This discussion is not one worth the candle. Too many people are only confirming their worst fears and prejudices in a book by a man almost completely unqualified to write it."
"Eine Versuchsinstallation des Kontroll- und Überwachungssystems im urbanen Raum" ist ebenso dabei wie ein System zur mobilen Objektverfolgung" oder "kontinuierliches und automatÑ–sches Monitoring öffentlicher Ressourcen wie Websites, Diskussionsgruppen, Usenet-Gruppen, Fileservern, P2P-Netzwerken wie auch privaten Computersystemen."