links for 2010-12-02

  • […]Journalists who oppose WikiLeaks are opposed to journalism. Here's Jack Shafer offering some sense:"Information conduits like Julian Assange shock us out of that complacency. Oh, sure, he's a pompous egomaniac sporting a series of bad haircuts and grandiose tendencies. And he often acts without completely thinking through every repercussion of his actions. But if you want to dismiss him just because he's a seething jerk, there are about 2,000 journalists I'd like you to meet."Quite so. Too many "seething jerks" who also deny the point of their own trade – disclosure! […]
  • "[…] The ringleaders of this hate ritual are advocates of – and in some cases directly responsible for – the world's deadliest and most lawless actions of the last decade. And they're demanding Assange's imprisonment, or his blood, in service of a Government that has perpetrated all of these abuses and, more so, to preserve a Wall of Secrecy which has enabled them. To accomplish that, they're actually advocating – somehow with a straight face – the theory that if a single innocent person is harmed by these disclosures, then it proves that Assange and WikiLeaks are evil monsters who deserve the worst fates one can conjure, all while they devote themselves to protecting and defending a secrecy regime that spawns at least as much human suffering and disaster as any single other force in the world. That is what the secrecy regime of the permanent National Security State has spawned.[…]"

2 Gedanken zu „links for 2010-12-02

  1. Die Luft wird wohl für wikileaks dünner und dünner. Amazon hat nun wikileas von ihren Servern geschmissen. Es ist klar, dass sich ein amerikanisches Unternehmen dem Druck aus der Politik beugen muss. prominente amerikanische Senator Joe Lieberman rief indes andere Länder und Unternehmen zum Boykott von Wikileaks auf. Wenn man wikileaks die technischen Möglichkeiten entzieht, können natürlich keine Veröffentlichungen mehr erfolgen. Ich frage mich, ob dann so prominente Seiten, wie der Spiegel dann in die Bresche spingen.

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